Compliance Testing Reports
To ensure compliance with relevant safety regulations and standards, our products go through a variety of testings. And here we have also made the testing report available online for your convenience.
Explore Our Testing Reports
Discover detailed insights into the safety and quality of our products through our extensive testing reports. What You may Find:
CA65 Safety Test Reports
Ensuring compliance with California Proposition 65 standards, our testing reports provide detailed analysis of potentially harmful substances in our products.
Flame Retardant (NFPA, CPAI) Reports
Safety is vital, which is why we conduct flame retardant testing to meet the standards set by organizations like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or the Canvas Products Association International (CPAI).
Additional Testing Reports
Explore a range of other testing reports, covering aspects such as special features of some fabrics, like water proof and UV protection testing.
How to get the reports
Go to the Product Page-Safety Test Report/Template
Leave a Message
If you need some specific testing reports for one of our event display products, you can leave us a message to us.
Why Trust CFM
Commitment to Compliance
Continuous Improvement
Our commitment to quality extends beyond compliance. We continually strive to improve our products through ongoing testing, research, and development.