Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
Folding Fabric Display Counter
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Assembly Instruction
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Safety Test Report

Folding Fabric Display Counter (SKU:VDFFDC)

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Flame-Retardant 240g Tension Fabric
Yes No
Mockup Design
24H 48H 72H 96H *After Artwork Approval
This vibrant folding rectangular fabric display podium is a popular choice with its versatility and easy setup procedures. It is ideal for any trade show, traveling exhibit, in-store display, and other promotional events. It can be used to distribute samples, demonstrate products, or hand out literature and can also be used as a reception desk.
Size Material Layer Printing
Graphic: 182.7''x40.6'' (464x103cm)
Frame: 76''x22.8''x37.4'' (193x58x95cm)
240g Tension Fabric Single Dye Sublimation
Our folding fabric counters come with custom printed full-color high-resolution wrap-around graphic display that is great for drawing attention at marketing events. The graphic is expertly sewn and can be easily attached to the frame by silicon strips.

The collapsible frame is composed of 4 separated plastic boards, a number of strong aluminum tubes, and screws. The setup is easy with the simple design. A clear installation guide is available in the video section.
Product Details
Product Details
Product Details
Product Details
folding fabric counters
Folding Fabric Pop up Promotion Counter
Portable - This lightweight and portable display counter can be compacted and moved to various locations conveniently.
High-resolution printing - The printing is done through a dye-sublimation process to ensure the fabric shows the highest quality graphic possible.
Wrinkle-free graphic - Premium stretch fabric is used to give your display counter a perfect, wrinkle-free graphic display.
Versatile - This economical and lightweight podium is widely used in trade shows, exhibitions, promotions, sales, etc.
Free design and proof
Free design and proof

Artwork Requirements

Artwork must be created using the provided templates.
1. Acceptable file types include PDF, AI, EPS, PSD, PNG, TIF, TIFF, JPG, and SVG, among which AI and PDF are highly recommended.
2. Files must be the same exact size as what is ordered.
3. The maximum size of the file should be 200M. If you have much larger files, please contact our customer service representatives.
4. Please review the artwork specification before uploading your file. We will not be responsible for the delayed orders due to artwork that cannot meet the provided requirements.
Notice: For the custom size products, you can just upload your artwork when placing order and our artwork person will help you set up the template.

Template (Please download and use our artwork templates before submitting your artwork.)

  • Folding Fabric Display Counter

Safety Test Report (We offer product compliance to ensure both product safety and quality.)

  • Flame-Retardant 240g Tension Fabric-NFPA

Production Time

4 turnaround options available to fit your different needs:
1 Day Rush Order, 2 Days Fast Order, 3 Days Standard Order, 4 Days Economy Order.
(*production time shall be calculated from artwork being approved).

Delivery Time

From China to the US: About 2-5 Working Days
From China to Australia: About 2-5 Working Days
From China to Canada: About 2-5 Working Days
(More logistics details please view the shipping delivery.)
If you or your clients do not receive products within the scheduled delivery time, you can contact our customer service reps for help.