Hardware-Tent Frame
Hardware-Tent Frame
Hardware-Tent Frame
Hardware-Tent Frame
Hardware-Tent Frame
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Hardware-Tent Frame (SKU:ADHTF)

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5x5 8x8 10x10 6.5x6.5 10x15 10x20 20x20 13x13 13x20 13x26
30mm Square Tent Frame-Iron 31mm Square Tent Frame 40mm Hex Tent Frame 50mm Hex Tent Frame
24H 48H 72H 96H *After Artwork Approval
1. If you need tent covers (tent top and side panels) of 10x10, 10x15, and 10x20, please go to the Advertising Tents and Half Wall & Full Wall page.
2. For tent covers (tent top and side panels) of 5x5, 20x20, 13x13, 13x20, and 13x26, please contact your sales rep or write an email to sales@china-flag-makers.com first.
This internal frame is an excellent design that is simple to put together with slide joints. It breaks down into manageable sections for convenient transport. And with telescopic tent legs, you can adjust the frame to various height settings.

Our standard sizes are 10x10, 10x15, 10x20 tent sizes. Now more sizes including 5x5, 13x13,13x20,13x26, and 20x20 are also added online, but these are not our standard sizes, if you need tent graphics like tent top, half walls, and full walls for them, please contact your sales rep or write an email to sales@china-flag-makers.com first.
  31mm Square Frame VS 40mm Hex Frame VS 50mm Hex Frame
Specification\Type 31mm Square Tent Frame
40mm Hex Tent Frame
50mm Hex Tent Frame (1)
50mm Hex Tent Frame (2)
Material Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum
Details of Leg 31 mm square tent frame Canopy Tent Frame
aluminum frame ez up tents
instant portable tents
Leg Shape Square Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal
Tube Diameter 31mm 40mm 50mm 50mm
Tube Thickness 1.2mm 1.2mm 2mm 1.8mm
Weight Light Standard Heavy Heavy
Stability Normal Good Excellent Excellent
Recommended Use Occasions The most economic and lightest one. More recommended for indoor use. Our most popular one. Strong and sturdy, it is good for both indoor and outdoor use. The most strong and also the most expensive one. More recommended for outdoor use. Larger sizes are optional. Ideal for outdoor events.
Stock in USA Warehouses? No Yes (except 5x5)
(Sometimes may be out of stock)
(Sometimes may be out of stock)
aluminum frame ez up tents

Artwork Requirements

Artwork must be created using the provided templates.
1. Acceptable file types include PDF, AI, EPS, PSD, PNG, TIF, TIFF, JPG, and SVG, among which AI and PDF are highly recommended.
2. Files must be the same exact size as what is ordered.
3. The maximum size of the file should be 200M. If you have much larger files, please contact our customer service representatives.
4. Please review the artwork specification before uploading your file. We will not be responsible for the delayed orders due to artwork that cannot meet the provided requirements.
Notice: For the custom size products, you can just upload your artwork when placing order and our artwork person will help you set up the template.

Production Time

4 turnaround options available to fit your different needs:
1 Day Rush Order, 2 Days Fast Order, 3 Days Standard Order, 4 Days Economy Order.
(*production time shall be calculated from artwork being approved).

Delivery Time

From China to the US: About 2-5 Working Days
From China to Australia: About 2-5 Working Days
From China to Canada: About 2-5 Working Days
(More logistics details please view the shipping delivery.)
If you or your clients do not receive products within the scheduled delivery time, you can contact our customer service reps for help.